

Among our famous poets of ancient times, CHU YUAN, LI PO, TU FU and PO CHU-I have been known as the most prominent ones. With a view to acquainting the public with these poets' immortal works, a series of Chinese Poets postage stamps with their portraits as the designs is to be released and their resumes are given hereunder:

Chu Yuan (Circa 343-277 B.C.) on the $1.00 stamp, who, after having been exiled by his king of Ch'u State, compaosed his best known poem, the Li Sao ("Falling in trouble") which expressed his sorrow for the coruption of the government and his integrity and loyalty to his king.

Li Po (699-762) on the $ 2.00 stamp was one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty and usually called the genie of poetry. His verse have a most charm of style. 
Tu Fu (712-770) on the $2.50 stamp was another greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty. He is known as the sage of poetry, and noted for his songs and epics.
Po Chu-i (772-846) on the $3.00 stamp was also a greats poet of the Tang Dynasty. He wrote long narrative poems, satires and lyrics. His poems are full of humor and easy to understand.


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