
軍中儲蓄業務,自四十八年遵奉 總統指示創辦以來,對於三軍官兵生活之改善,節約風氣之倡導,以及國家經濟建設支發展均著助益。五十八年二月一日為創辦十週年之期,為弘揚 總統關懷三軍袍澤之德意,爰發行"國軍同袍儲蓄創辦十週年紀念郵票",以資慶祝。
The Military Savings Program for Servicemen of the Chinese Armed Forces was inaugurated in February 1959 under a special directive of the President and it is of great bebefit to the betterment of servicemen's living, promotion of frugality and development of economic construction as well. With a view to acquainting the public with the President's good will extened to the servicemen, a set of Commemorative Postage Stamps of 10th Anniversary of Military Savings Program was issued of February 1, 1969.